About SRA
We are global leaders in land access and resettlement, with extensive experience in successfully planning, implementing and monitoring projects on the ground, from inception to completion.

What We Do
We help responsible organizations access the land they need, and manage their displacement impacts through transparent, equitable and sustainable resettlement and livelihood restoration programs.
In so doing, we realize win-win scenarios with our clients and their host communities, and contribute meaningfully to sustainable development and the green transition.
Who We Are
We are specialised and results-oriented, working on the ground at our clients’ sites and from our home offices around the world. We collaborate seamlessly to meet our clients’ needs and address their displacement impacts on people and communities with fairness, creativity and pragmatism.
We recruit and retain the most talented practitioners, and provide team members with flexible work arrangements, meaningful development opportunities, and attractive compensation packages.
Our Services
Learn about how we successfully plan, implement and monitor projects on the ground, from inception to completion.

Managing Projects from Start to Finish
We have worked extensively worldwide, planning and implementing projects hand in hand with our clients and their host communities.
SRA has been certified as carbon neutral since its foundation in 2016 by Carbon Footprint Ltd
To do this, we have adopted a two-step approach.

Step 1
Step 1 has been to reduce emissions by cutting back on unnecessary travel and energy use, and by employing more environmentally efficient work practices.
Step 2
Step 2 has been to offset all our remaining emissions, including those related to our travel.
The Results
Since 2016, we have offset some 1,068 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent emissions. This has been achieved by supporting carbon reduction projects in many of the countries where we work, including borehole rehabilitation projects in Uganda and Zambia, efficient cookstove programs in Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda and Uganda, a landfill gas to electricity project in Turkey, a wind farm project in Dominican Republic, a methane recovery project in Brazil, and various REDD+ projects in the Amazon Basin.
Such carbon offsets have the added benefit of contributing to the health and development of the communities in which we work.